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Yea Rotary’s new president Penny Paxman

Yea Rotary's new president Penny Paxman

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Jul 26, 2024

NEWLY elected Yea Rotary President Penny Paxman has a longstanding connection to the Murrindindi Shire, originally coming up to the area 35 years ago to run a guesthouse in Alexandra.

You may have met Penny during your daily interactions as she has had many roles in the shire ranging from public relations, customer service, hospitality, just to name a few.

Coming into her fifth year as a Rotarian, Penny fondly reflected how it all started, “Working at Alexandra Newspapers, I was running the Yea office for The Yea Chronicle two days a week and this is where I met a lot of Yea Rotarians, and they were a really nice group of people, and I was invited to join. I was a part of the Alexandra group before joining the Yea group.

“I got interested in Rotary because there were a few things happening around, and especially World Polio Day which is a huge campaign worldwide and to raise money to immunise mainly children mostly against polio.

I got intrigued how it worked, the latest report says they have reduced the incidents of polio cases now to 11 people in the world.

It’s a huge project, it [polio] was very rife and the Bill Gates Foundation supports the cause, so every dollar we raise to what is now called End Polio Now, Bill Gates pays us twice the amount so we end up with three times the amount.

“After learning about that, I went out the Yea Garden Expo, open gardens in Alexandra and Yea and saw how Rotary worked with all of these events, and I thought I could keep busy with this group.”

Before Penny’s new presidential role, she had a part of many projects in Rotary, these included taking on the job of writing the bulletin, being involved in the running of the Yea Rotary Open Gardens and being a part of sub committees such as the art show.

Penny described her involvement as “I set out to find an area I liked working in, I have joined committees over the last few years and to see…

Image: Yea Rotary President Penny Paxman is positive about Yea Rotary’s presence in the community this year.

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